Please keep in mind, that start prices are for the simplest, one or two colour suit. To estimate the price for your suit, we need to receive correctly filled quote form >click here<

  • full plantigrade suits starts at: $5390

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws, plantigrade body suit

  • full digitigrade suits starts at: $6430

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws, digitigrade body suit

  • half plantigrade suit starts at: $4870

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws, armsleeves, plantigrade pants

  • half digitigrade suit starts at: $5820

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws, armsleeves, digitigrade pants

  • full partial suit starts at: $4160

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws, armsleeves

  • partial suit starts at: $3900

    contains: head, tail, hand paws, feet paws

  • mini partial suit starts at: $3380

  • contains: head, tail, hand paws

  • head starts at: $2730

    contains: head only